The Independent Question
How independent are we?
How sufficient are we in sustaining ourselves?
How have our independence helped in the total liberation of Afrika?
Have we been able to live the mandate and mission of liberating ourselves from mental slavery?
Have we adequately harness our resources to build a better country?
Have our attitude as people helped us lived as truly independent people?
Have we allowed the cancer of betrayal to consume our passion for the greater good?
Have we over pampered our greed and allowed corruption to contaminate our conscious selfhood?
Are we truly independent as we ought to be?
Are we truly united in this quest or we are still doubling in ethnocentric divisive duo partisan politics?
Are we in a way authors of our own misfortune and retrogression?
Do we really have faith in ourselves?
Do we truly trust the systems we have established to take care of us?
Do we still want to steer this gateway to bless our heritage with goodness?
Celebrating our modest gains is in order.
But beyond these annual march past celebrations and beautiful speeches,
Beyond our efforts to do our little best for the growth we yearn for,
Perhaps we can rethink our values and virtues in this valleys of our common voyage and act accordingly.
As we recommit ourselves to still do our best for ourselves and in honour of our ancestors and our children's children,
We have every right gird our loins not to fail ourselves.
Let's, therefore, release our past pains,
Reclaim our power as we reconcile our differences, in order to
Recharge our spirits for the task ahead.
QIt is through these efforts that we can collectively rethink and Reactivate how best to utilise our abundant energy,
And reclothe ourselves with honour and dignity.
May God heal us from our weakness and enlighten us with deeper insights and help us appreciate each other and work together, to build together.
Be Blessed.
#KYB ✍🏿®#
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