Keep Safe

To you children of hope,
To you creative courageous people,
To you who're burdened with sorrow, ill-health, pain, torture and still struggling to cope,
There's a reviving news for you,
That God still loves you.

So with an empowering grace to witness to the eternal truth of our being, perhaps we have a duty to not only preach peace and reconciliation but to practice the act of being kind and peaceful.

It's my prayer that we may extend genuine care to the over 67million people with autism in the world, as well as those on the fringes of our society and the needy.

By so doing may God our source of hope and refuge, gladden our hearts, show us the path of life and keep us safe on this pilgrimage.

Do have a blissful day.
#KYB ✍🏿®#


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