A Patriotic Claim

Everywhere we go, there are people.
People make families, communities, towns, cities, metropolis, states, nations or countries.
In our histories and stories, it's mostly people we read or hear about.
The exploits of people in the past, present and in the future will always be told.

So it is essential for us to understand that we are a people because of others.
We are a people because of the toils, dedication and commitment of our forebears, who long started this walk of liberation.
And we are mostly a people because of the delight of guiding another people (next generation) to learn the art of living and breathing life into their visions.

We have heard and listened to the stories and challenges of our ancestors.
We learned of their success, challenges as well as failures and weakness.
We are aware of the price of the extreme disagreements of people's plans, plots and programmes in politics at different places and within different contexts over the years.

However, we can still reflect on the cost of many festering wounds created by a people's subtle tit for tact desire.
There are founders and people who come in every age. They are instrumental in championing or creating a monumental move.
Kwame Nkrumah was one of the rare visionary leaders we had to guide us into the limelight of the post-colonial era. He served his people.

But in acknowledging that V.I.Ps are raised from among the V.O.Ps and that both worked in many respects to champion a course, will help us say goodbye to some parts of our history which further strains our relationships.

There's no doubt our ancestors did their part, which should spur us on to also do our best wherever we find ourselves.

We can, for instance, resolve to be more disciplined and committed to the values of integrity and as well as cloth our hearts with selflessness.

Truth be told, we need unity and a common understanding to utilise the blessings of our richness to serve one another.

And to do this, we must be ready to train more transformational leaders who would reach out with compassion and guide us towards attaining the status of a Society that REALLY CARES.

To make greater progress, we have a duty to internalise the value of respecting people and cultivate warmheartedness, even as we thrive in these changing and complex time.
May God bless us all.
Wishing you a blessed weekend.
#KYB ✍🏿®#


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