I wish you would have the courage to live a life true to yourself, and not be pressured by the dictates of others or the unspoken cohesion.

I wish you would put in your best in your work, in such a manner that allows you sometime to attend to the vital things in your life.

I wish you would have the courage to express your feelings and your intentions and not shy away or keep quiet about them.

I wish you would stay in touch with your friends, your old friends.

I wish you would find time to water the relationship you have with your God even as you walk on this fast lane.

I wish you would let yourself be happier a bit more, smile and cherish every moment, no matter your circumstances or the challenges you are faced with.

I wish you would pay more attention to the little details of the happenings around, listen to the salient words and appreciate the gift of life.

I wish you are blessed with good health and enough resources to sustain your life here and also be able to support your dependants.

Wishing you the very beautiful things you wish for yourself.

Be blessed

#KYB ✍🏿®#


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