The mystery of life is amazing and interesting, yet we live.
Our paths crosses at different times and moments for different reasons.
But in all this, our little encounters can't be taken for granted, however unplanned, unpleasant or mysterious they might have occurred.

Indeed, we may not all like most of the memories we share from yesteryear, but there are some good ones that we are always grateful for.
And although there may be genuine regrets and some misgiving, methinks your experiences are worthy of note.

So in contemplating our relationships over this while, and in making a hopeful but a needful duty of envisioning a beautiful future, please take note of the following nuggets, for you never know when they may be needed:

a.) Please NEVER underestimate your dreams, vision and capacity in life, for you never know where they will get you.

b.) Never doubt and underrate yourself or belittle the little consistent efforts you make in life, for you never know where it will take you.

c.) Never postpone a needful duty to care or show genuine concern to people,
especially when you have the capacity to, for never know the big impact you'll be making in their lives.

d.) Never delay to the urge to speak into someone's life or listen to those who need your attention today, for you never know how the words or your time with them mean.

e.) Don't hold back your gratitude, appreciation and recognition of people, and when they are doing well, the same way you'll do when they are incorrectly correct. You never know the good service you might be offering humanity.

f.) Please if you can't build bridges at all levels of your life, make sure you maintain, take care, respect and value the people in these linkages. No matter what happens, please DON'T burn or destroy the bridges, but do your best to occasionally oil the wheels of the bridges by checking on the people in charge, for you never know how these subtle efforts make them feel.

g.) Always take advantage of any opportunity to critically listen, learn and improve, through your various encounters with people in order to improve, for you never know the value addition you'll be adding to your life and those of others.

h.) Always pay attention to conversion with every person, even including the mentally challenged, the misfit in our society and our perceived enemies or angry friends, for you never know the depth of truth they might be sharing with you.

i.) Always value your dignity, integrity, honesty, decency, tenacity and your courage to be diligent, passionate, patient, persistent and cheerfully hopeful in life.

j.) Decide to be kind to yourself and others, especially those who can't readily pay you and deliberately starve the tendency to look down or mock people's  situation, for you never know the investment you're making for yourself and your children's children.

k.) Don't belittle the influence of people especially the ordinary or common people, for you just can't tell what their reference, preference and direction could lead you.

l.) In all your endeavours, please never forget the God Factor, for you never know, how effective it works. So consistently pray and commit your ways to him, take care of yourself, consistently prepare and make the necessary sacrifice today in order to gain tomorrow.

Since people are people because of people, please keep a humble disposition when you have power or a privileged position and do respect everyone. Volunteer part of your time in a worthy course and never hesitate to communicate when you have the opportunity. For you just never can tell, what life has in-store for you.
May God keep and protect you under His care.

Wishing you a pleasant weekend.
Be good.

#KYB ✍🏿®#


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