The walls we build around ourselves, coupled with our sinking self esteem, which makes us think that we should only grab every material wealth in order to be successful is hurting us big time.
The excessive demands and pressures of life and society,
As well as the gapping stereotypes and prejudices of others about us and about us of others, further compounds the challenge we face in a rather uncaring society, pretending to care for a moment about these wasted lives of these beautiful souls.
If our society is still interested in the details of why the increasing rate of suicide of late, then we must be honest in assessing the premium we place on materialism, success, comfort and how we even value human life.
In the heat of the moment, we all pretend to care about these deaths and wish to know why it all happened or why there is a steep upsurge in the cases, only for us to forget about this need in a matter of days.
Sometime around Christmas and Easter the issue of accidents is likely to receive much attention but beyond these period we go mute on some of campaign. In fact, we've become a society that talks when the issues are fresh and relapse or go quiet when other issues crop up, so we never conclude on the challenge and expect our leaders to act but they also do not help us with concrete solutions, only for the same challenge to resurface again the next year.
I dare say our basic posture as a people is that we don't CARE to share in the silent tears of others, neither are we prepared to take the pains to understand why people do what they do or why things happened the way they do. Even though, we are a blessed people, I think our number one enemy is that we take a lot of things for granted.
Again the processes of our institutions and the way we continue to perpetuate the old oder of doings things are even more frustrating and killing our people the more.
Therefore, for now, mostly the have-nots continue to suffer from the uncharitable nature of society.
Yes, it is the parents duty to train the child and a society's role to socialise them to become good citizens, and a country's task to make sure her citizens feel safe, with an equitable opportunity for progress. It is also the world's responsibility that there is enough to feed all and live worthy lives. But you and I know the truth that the impermissible greed of people is dictating the pace for our damnation.
Most religious sects have now monetised the conduct of their practices and have mostly turned a blind eye to the sufferings of many of their adherers.
Me think we need to Rethink our Relationships, Review how we do things, Reform our age old practices and Rekindle the spirit of CARE for the dignity of one another.
In fact, it should be possible for us to establish many counselling centres across the country, aside the ones in our health facilities and educational institutions; these Centres should be staffed with qualified Psychologists and Counselors, so that they help us address this rising incidents in our society.
It won't be a bad idea to start a national or continental reorientation campaign on the need to CARE for ourselves and for one another.


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