They come with unique names, at different times and in diverse spaces.
They come with various styles and demeanour.
And they also have feelings, biases, idiosyncrasies and thoughts.

We may not always like their approach in dealing with us.
We may not always admire the way they tried correcting our incorrectness.
We may not even approve the way they taunted our mischievous tendencies.
But can we say with all honesty, that they didn't perform their task well?

Some of these teachers are our parents, catechists, tutors, lecturers, priests, pastors, imams, community leaders, friends, children, elders, our enemies, God the Almighty and our natural environment.
Undoubtedly they all qualify as our teachers, in how they directly or indirectly affected and helped us in learning new things.
Indeed, having come this far in life, we cannot write off their various contributions or even measure the influence they exerted on our lives.
Our teachers in our school system and even beyond the classroom blocks deserve our commendation today.
We certainly have a duty to value them.
You are one of them and I like to thank you for caring to interact with me.
Remain blessed and enjoy the day.
#KYB ✍🏿#


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