Choristers rehearse in order to stage a good performance.
Choreographers practice to perform well.
Musicians, speakers, chefs, drivers, technocrats, scientists, engineers, writers, teachers, etcetera, consistently prepare themselves to do what they do.
That is same in life too. Although I can't pretend to know the length of days we will live here on earth, we are required to make the right investments in our lives and in that of our relationships.
This is because every step in this pilgrimage is part of the preparation and processes for our betterment.

However, there is a prize beyond our daily rehearsals. And beyond the prize, there is the Supreme Creator's purpose for bringing us here and for making us live in the glory of this new day.
So whatever the prize is in every endeavour, PLEASE let's make sure we're in tuned with the Creator's WILL.
Let's make sure we  DON'T abuse the Grace of God in our lives.
Let's make sure we constantly REPENT from our odd ways.
Let's make sure we are bearing GOOD lasting fruits.
Let's make sure we LIVE in a manner worthy of the call to holiness.
Let's look beyond the immediate gains or gratification in all that we do, because we are a blessed people.

With all respect, humility, and patience, please let's make sure we don't hastily lose ourselves or miss the point for which we are commissioned here.
Good morning and have a wonderful weekend. Take care.🍓
#KYB ✍#


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