Respect the gentle flow of nature.
Respect the peaceful way of how things are.
Respect the way things were meant to be.
Respect the views of others;
Even if they are terribly right or righteously wrong, respect them.

Attach a special care to things that matter.
Attach similar importance to little things too.
Make your voice and views heard but don't make noise.
Make your work noticeable but don't go boasting.
Register your displeasure respectfully and just be cool.

Acquire the tact to be indispensable in every endeavour.
Acquire the attitude that endear you to people of many temperance.
Acquire the emotional intelligence that is required to live longer.
Acquire the specialty to be the game changer in all your dealings.

In everything engagement guard your emotions and allow reason rule.
In your movement allow a good percentage of humour and keep a smile.
In all you do everyday do not shy from being yourself and being you.
Admire nature and keep calm thoughts even as you keep a close eye on life.
Don't disturb the flow but Revere God, Respect Mankind, Reconcile and Respect yourself.

God bless.


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