Farmers patiently wait for the fruits of the earth to ripe before they harvest.
Parents patiently watch their children to grow into responsible adults.
Investors patiently wait for their investment to yield dividends.🐚🐚
In hardship we see the essence of patience.
During trying moments we learn the lessons of patience and perseverance.
Patience is not only the mother of all virtues but the companion of wisdom.
It's the easiest subject to mention, yet the hardest to practice.
It is true that a moment of patience may ward off great disaster.
But the price of impatience may ruin lives and kill many dreams or truncate fortunes. That's why James in Jas 5:7-10, urges us to always BE PATIENT and wait upon the Lord. God Bless you. 🙏🏿

#KYB 🏿#


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