There are names in name.
There are meanings ascribed to each name.
And every one by default has a name and sometimes titles.
Yes! There are titles of claim and titles of qualification.
There are titles of fame and pompous titles accorded to some.
There are titles of honour and titles of recognition.
There are titles of appreciation that somehow makes nonsense of earned titles.
There are needles titles of class that only implicates our desire to serve.
There are funny titles of importance we either acquire through our desire for fame, or our efforts to influence things in certain areas with those titles that even chase us to the grave.
There are mere titles, priced titles as well as mischievous and saintly titles amplified in our names and attitudes.

We cannot confirm whether we all merit the award of these titles we carry,
But what is worrying is the abuse of the automatic significance these titles add to our status as individuals.
Whatever title or titles we bear in this life, let not forget that it is for the greater service to God and humanity that we bear them.
So let not abuse the honour in our various titles of stewardship on this Thursday of Titles.
May God bless us with humble hearts so we can offer true service for the good of all.
Remain Blessed 


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