With the wondrous gift of a new day, comes several battles.
With the wonderful bliss of a warm Wednesday, comes numerous struggles and fights. 
But that the Lord still saves and walks with us;
That the Lord's blessing of creativity still rest with us, may He deliver us from our odd ways and keep us safe.πŸ™πŸΎ
May Yahweh go before us this day and infect us with innovative hope and brilliance in our creative efforts.πŸ™πŸΎ
Yes! we need to constantly review our strategies to keep a sane balance but we need to elevate our trust in this Creative God of Love to light our paths and help us like David to fight all the Goliaths (1Sam.17:40-51) in our lives. πŸ™πŸΎ
Have a wonderful day. God bless you πŸ’§
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