
The Balanced Approach

We responded to the call to serve our country several years ago, with enthusiasm. Yours sincerely was part of the young zealous cadres, who landed at a promising school planted in a semiarid habitat, somewhere in the Northern Region of Ghana. There were green shades, which gave the school a refreshing look, that evoke the serene of the environment. In the early months, we basked in the silent welcome breeze, made acquaintances and started adjusting to the rhythms of our new friends. It's a happy friendly move at school with our students, service colleague, teachers and even the townsfolk. But townsfolk, yes after the welcome period transitioned, we realised that to live peacefully with all stakeholders in the school, we had a duty to balance fairness and firmness in our friendliness or relationships, an even insist that the right things were done, to curtail the tendency of subtle friendly abuse and overlapping of certain friendly overtures. In the funny tales of these experie

Rally Your Positive Energy

In our efforts to live this life, And in our strive to be, We make choices and decisions. We develop strategies and plans to guide us through, And we also learn the act of thinking on our feet to manage or manoeuvre through, especially when our plans and intentions deviate from our target. Sometimes the task of life itself becomes herculean and burdensome that we very often might want to throw in the towel or take an early shower.  In fact, it is true some even go through a lot of stress, depression and become hopeless or feel unloved that they take their lives through suicide and negative talk which eventually kill their spirits and their desire to even live. But can I pretend I know what it takes for you to wake up and even get going? I won't even pretend to even fully grasp what bothers you most. I won't profess to have an antidote to what causes those sleepless night or stubborn nightmares. I don't want to know the number of times you nearly gave up. I don

The Discourse

We converse with God in our prayers. We speak with others to enhance our lives. We interact with our natural environment directly and indirectly. Communication is critical to our survival. In fact, even when we seem not to be conversing, we are actually communicating in other forms.  Conversations are good for our growth. Healthy conversations with our teachers, mentors, friends and our benefactors or beneficiaries go a long way to enrich our lives. But beyond conversing with others, and listening to their inputs, we are obliged to have that discourse with ourselves. Conversation with yourself enlivens your soul. That discourse with yourself is vital to ground your hopes with your aspiration. A personal conversation with yourself helps to align your thoughts with your feelings. It's an essential exercise to have. So while praying to God in the quietness of time, we should also find time to have that conversation with ourselves. May God bless your day.

Wisdom plus Prudence

True religion is the discovery of the closeness of God in actual human existence. But our existence is ordered. Our life is blessed beyond measure. So as we live this day in our strive to take memorable steps in September, As we start another journey of a day, may we be receptive to the promptings of infinite wisdom that helps us to know the will of God. In living prudently, may we manifest God's will in concrete life experiences. It's my prayer that in living the precious moments of this day, wisdom and prudence would help us yield good fruits. And may we be witnesses to the value of God in our lives. Greetings to you. Good day #KYB ✍🏿®#

Essential Reminder

Although our time here is limited and time changes with its intricacies, the essential reminder is that God is still real and that you've a wondrous soul on this transitive journey. Take care and keep a good balance of your life. Greetings to you. God bless. #KYB ✍🏿®#

A Friend Out There

Several weeks ago, I meet this friend on my route to a place I often visit. He sits under a thin-shady tree near a Y junction with flower hedges, acting as a sort of shield against the noise from the moving vehicles. Immediately, I saw him my heart went out to him. I felt he needed someone to talk to. So I walked up to him one morning and greeted him. I forced a smile and he returned it with frailness written all over his face. I thought to myself he's hungry and got him some porridge.He thanked me and I wish him well.  I felt he urgently needs medical attention but that's another discussion for another day. So that's my friend, who needs water and food to quench his thirst and hunger. This is a friend who wants to smile and walk again. You right to ask where this friend's family members are and why he's abandoned by the roadside. But beyond asking these questions. I feel there's something we can do to help this friend and others around us to feel love.

The Walk Way

You've heard it said before. You've read it somewhere before, that you should walk by faith. But permit me to also entreat you to walk in the light of renewed enthusiasm. Yes! Please Walk in the sunshine of hope today. Walk in the wisdom of ages. Walk in the consciousness of the moment that you are blessed. Walk in the rich value of what you've learnt and acquired by experience. In fact, if you can't walk please crawl, and try to move. Whatever happens today, kindly try to move in the direction of your vision. Even though, there may be several detours and dangers or challenges, please don't be deterred to keep walking and moving.    Even as you walk in this space, While you talk and stalk moments of delight; Please be sure to express your action in gainful ventures. And be kind to share your smiles with others in this talk and walk of a day. Greetings to you. God bless. #KYB ✍🏿®#