
The Right Path

Some tell you the way,  Others show you the way,  While a few guide you on the way. Some insist they know the way,  Although many are still having their way.  We're confronted daily with these choices, With the option of choosing from alternatives, But on this journey of seekers, we still seek. While some may appear smooth, rough, narrow, wide, broad, bushy, weedy, cleared, bumpy or undulating, they are all paths that might seem the right ones to lead us to our destinations.  We are encouraged to assess these paths, Be disciplined enough to walk on the narrow path, And trek on the upright route or path.   There may be temptations, distractions, frustrations or pushovers on this somewhat slippery path. Never forget that. It's not easy walking on the narrow path of progress, but it is worth walking on it.  Meandering through the bumpy path is not a joke. It's not a simple task keeping faith in the right way In all these, never forget why you started. Nev...

Be Gentle With Yourself

Be gentle with yourself in your walk. Be gentle with others in your dealings. Be gentle with the environment you live in. Be gentle with humanity but don't be deceived. Life can be tricky and risky, be willing to learn. Life can be unforgiving, be glad to relearn. Life can be canny and unkind, but be kind. Life can be strange and someway, but live it. Life can be a blessing, embrace it and live. Life can be a school, relish the lesson and live. Life comes in seasons, so live by reason. If there is anything you can do now, do it. If there is any idea you can offer, share it. If there is any kindness you can give, do it. If there are any words worth sharing, say them. If there are any concerns, convey them with tact. If there are any commendation echo them.  Beyond acquiring a decent discipline, be gentle. Beyond achieving a goal of dignity, be generous.  Beyond attaining power and authority, be simple. Beyond accomplishing excellence, be humble. As a pilgrim on this pilgrimage,...

Your Efforts

  We may not all be commissioned, appointed or anointed to do what the Very Important People (V.I.P) do in society. But whether you are a Very Ordinary Person (V.O.P) or nobody in society, you still have a quality and speciality infused in your talents, ideas, energy, skills, knowledge, experiences and all that you are to contribute something to the progress of our well-being.  Even as we make claims to our responsibilities from the duty bearers and those we blame often for systemic failures and ills in our society, may we reflect more on what we can do in our little way to better our lot.  Your positive efforts no matter how insignificant they may be is in high demand today. That is why the onus is on us to still do something worthwhile today while we can, for the good of our future. Have a pleasant evening  Greetings ✨  KYB ✍🏿®02-02-2021.

Simple Dirge

A dirge was sung, For one of our sons, Since his last smile. He shined under this sun, Casting shade of shadows On many near afar. He caused a stir on the scene, Stunned the status quo ante, Stretching the strands of stakes. A simply complex character, On the sentence of his stance, He is a subject to be studied. Superintending over some stunt, Sucks his struts to the shore And reset the stage for seekers. As a soldier with sober grey, He shared some salient space, With a supplementary tenderness. Several sons on this site, Under this sincere sunset, Shall sing silent solo dirges, In salutation to our souls. Fare thee well Senior Kwesi, Stay on Jeremiah John To the coast beyond, Sail gently Papa J Signed by  Another Kwesi ©KYB ✍🏿27/01/2020

What's the Time?

What's the time, please? What's your time too? What says your time? Besides the Greenwich MeanTime, the Eastern Time and Western Time, I hear we have the Ghanaian Time and Afrikan Time.  We are told the tales of biological time. We're tuned to school time, work time and break time. We know of the seasonal time and occupational time. We're taught not to only eat our meals on time but to be on time in our endeavours. We've even learned the dictum of times tables in our stables.  Sometimes we hear bedtime bugs sleeping during the daytime and sucking blood at nighttime.  We know of the historical time, biological time, geographical time, location time, courtship time, happy time, sad time, the planting time, harvest time and limited time. But between gestation Time and our Birth Time, Between our Pastime and the Present time;  Between the starting Time and closing Time;  In-between break time and rest time;  In-between rehearsal time and action time;  In-b...

New Consciousness

It's very easy to take things for granted.  It's even easier to ignore certain warning signs.  But today we are encouraged to be:   √More conscious of these things around you.   √Observant and vigilant of the happenings.   √Mindful of the different rhythms of time and the         syncopating changes in the air.     √Attentive to the Safety Protocols. May the light of truth guide our paths today. May it shine on the darkness surrounding the truth. And May God's grace of mercy touches us.    God bless you in all your endeavours this week. Greetings 🌸 KYB ✍🏿®25-01-2021

Dear You

Dear You With these daily casualties, And the biting crisis on all, It is okay to wonder,  Whether humanity has failed itself? But please take solace in your God and the Note below. To those forgotten and ignored, To those who thirst for love and support, To those burdened and bleeding from the pandemic, To everyone caught in the heat of the tides, To all who experience fear and anxiety, To all dying slowly and broken-hearted, May you be touched specially, May you be comforted and consoled, May you be uniquely strengthened This is a delicate reminder NOT TO GIVE UP. It is also an appeal for you to please stand resolute, and firm. Take care. Sincerely, Kwesi Yirenkyi ©KYB ✍🏿22/01/2020