
Be Grateful for Every Day

Be grateful for everything in life. Be thankful for the people in your life. Be appreciative of the little things in life.  Sometimes the people in your spaces are rare to come. Some opportunities are hard to come by again. Other times precious moments are missed. Somehow we learn from our mistakes to improve upon our lives. A time comes for us to climb up and to climb down. Life in this phases, presents us with opportunities to be served and to serve others. As no position or circumstances us permanent, maybe we should be mindful of how we discharge our duties.  Maybe we should be interested in how we would like to be treated and learn how to treat others. Maybe we should be generous with our gratitude and never take the gift of a day or a helping hand for granted. In a realistic sense we owe it duty to be grateful for the gift of every day. Remain blessed as always. Greetings ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ22/11/20

Another Day

Competition is healthy as it keeps you challenged and it gives life more meaning. But some competitions could be an exercise in futility or over exertion of energy. Indeed, the need to be on top has cost many a subtle damage with trickle effect on their dependents. Often time, the concept of choice itself leads people to perceive disadvantaged individuals as responsible for their own conditions. Yet, regardless of the social circumstances or unfair application of their disadvantage they still worth valuing. An experiment done on hiring practices showed that mothers are discriminated against more strongly, in terms of hiring and salary recommendations. Another investigation in the hiring practices of persons with disabilities showed similar trends of bias. Value your worth and utilise this opportunity to discover new paths toward passionate fulfillment. Don’t get intimidated by other competitors but remain resolute and focus. Don't belittle yourself but rise to participa...

A Promising Vision

Promising vision can lead to a flourishing mission. A flourishing mission can stimulate a big dream. A brilliant dream can lead to new heights. A glorious imagination can lead to the realisation of a more colourful morning. A progressive attitude can sustain and consolidate the gains of our collective efforts. As a begging opportunity breathes every moment, Let's realign ourselves with our chosen path. Let's be conveniently driven to evaluate our recent progress and map out a course, Even as we make small improvements to our plans. Kindly be reminded that your courage to live these moments, And your presence in discharging your duties today is appreciated. God bless you. ©KYB ✍🏿02/02/2020

The Zigzag Lessons

Some say life is a simple task. Others believe it's rather a complex venture. And yet others still hold the view that it's a combination of these simple complexities of interlinked mysteries. Sometimes, we seem okay with our perspectives, without taking the pains to appreciate the different perspectives on an issue. Other times, we double in conjectures and draw hasty judgement without sparing a thought on the "what ifs". In some instances, we miss the humour elements in these blissful moments of life. But on this journey of life with all its dramas, it's good to figure out recurring events and value the lessons. So whenever we stumble or make mistakes or even take the wrong turn on our way, Maybe we could avoid lamenting about the challenge and finding faults with our shoes. Although it's uncommon not to find others to blame, we shouldn't forget that as managers we've got to make efforts in order to progress. As stewards, we have a duty to r...

In Every Flower

๐ŸŒธIt's beautiful and pleasing to behold. Flowers naturally depict the diversity of colours and elegance. In a flower is an amazing symbol of rebirth. Flowers compliments our thoughts of friendship when we send or present them to others. In a flower is a therapeutic feel that facilitates healing of the sick and those recovering. Bouquets and wreaths are farewell gifts. Flowers also have the ability to cheer people up. They may give life, in both a practical and a spiritual way. In spite of its beauty, flowers also communicate fragility and the risks of being compromised by storms, rain, bees, birds, bugs, and humans. It could be stepped on, picked, or maltreated by some gardeners. Just like life, flowers can be gorgeous in full bloom, but very delicate as well. Their beauty is fleeting, but we can still appreciate them. With every flower I share, I just wish to communicate the beauty of nature and my appreciation of our connections. ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒบ ๐ŸŒน Greetings ©KYB ✍...

The People's Treaty

Treat people the way you wish to be treated. It is vital to treat people and even the ground you walk on with a level of respect. It is a fact, we are sometimes inconsiderate in the way we judge people, be they strangers, subordinates, juniors, the marginalised, and friends. They all have their silent battles. It is likely we hastily dismiss those who show signs of suspension of a probable misdemeanour, without looking beyond the obvious. Often our astute powers of observation might help us to notice aspects of someone’s character that don’t measure up to standards. We may also condemn others not because we truly know them, but based on hearsays and what a third-person told us. It’s likely we may even set the bar of expectations so high that only a few could pass our tough standards. While not advocating for people's security consciousness to be lowered, it behoves us all to treat everyone with dignity and decency. We even have a greater need to care for those o...

R-and-R Resolve

The demands of life activities could put undue pressures on us. Sometimes, we become susceptible to these realities and we need to recharge. Rest and Relaxation are critical in this resolve. So, kindly consider taking a little R-and-R. Take time out to Rest, Relax, Recharge and Reflect. Often we need to empty our mind and relax our muscles in order to unwind. We need to court inner peace in order to retune. The practice of silence and solitude allows one to appreciate the new perspective on life. This is because in this age of noise and distraction, There's a greater need to relax in silence. And once you recharge your batteries, you will rejuvenate the power to relive these experiences. Remain Positive. Greetings ©KYB ✍🏿19/01/20