
Colourful Energy

The nighttime colours handed over the button to the dawn colours. As the day time colours lace its boots, The colours of hope and grace are ready. So gently wake the colours of your dream. Awake the colours of your consciousness. Connect the dots in your colourful vision, While you activate your colourful mission. And rekindle the strategic colours of your values at the moment. Even as the naughty briefs mischief might converse with the loud colours of fear and  doubts in our minds, Please don't give in to their alluring tempting Colours. As you start this day, kindly cloth your efforts with colourful energy to excel. Wishing you a colourful day. God bless. Greetings. ©KYB✍ 26/04/19

One Humanity

Respecting the dignity and views of others and our common home complements our sense of belonging to one humanity. Greetings🥀🌹 ©KYB✍🏿 24/04/19

Humble Request

Endeavour to evaluate the moments in this count. Rewind with the relevant reasons gathered from the beautiful gift of this day. And humbly reflect on how best we can still reach out to others, especially those on the fringes of our society. Greetings to you. #KYB ✍🏿®#


The relationships between things are subtle but real. Although it might be a silent topic, there is a need to be mindful of the little things of our lives. So, mindfulness of others; Mindfulness of our environment; Mindfulness of the little things in our lives; Mindfulness of our positives and negatives as well as our obligations; Mindfulness of our spirituality and God;  And mindfulness of our consciousness is key to our survival. May God watch over you. Good night. #KYB ✍🏿®#

Dare to Care

You have no apology to be you. You have no excuse to be your best. You have no business being timid or intimidated by anyone to make the right moves. Although, humility is still a priceless virtue to uphold any day, it is still an offense against yourself to still indulge the courtesy of self doubt. Dear Reader, please Fear not but Dare to dream. Doubt not your potentials but Dare to care, in your walk this day. Dare to live your call. Best wishes to you. Good day #KYB ✍🏿®#

Hope & Faith

Hope, faith and the God factor in reality are the intrinsic ingredients that fuels and sustains us on this pilgrimage. It may not be easy meandering through the undulating terrain of this path, but no matter what happens today, please keep your hope and faith alive, and keep moving. God bless your day. Good morning #KYB ✍🏿®#

Take Care

At a time we are inundated with unfavourable reportage here and there, perhaps the best thing to do is to be cautious and careful in our steps, in what we do and how we do what we do. It is critically necessary to be eternally vigilant in our care because self-care in this age of many needless death is a crucial thing we must seriously consider. And although I may not know what enough care entails, I believe care is an essential good we must cherish and appreciate in order to live in this age. This is perhaps the more reason why I implore you to always Take Care.🌱🌿 God bless your evening🐥 #KYB ✍🏿®#