

We all have a duty to work. We have a blessed mission to live. So long as there is the need to feed our hunger; So long as there is the need to quench our thirst; So long as there is the need to cloth our nakedness, and to shelter ourselves and support our mobility, we have to work. And since the duty of care is our eternal charge to keep, let us persevere in our little little efforts, while being mindful of the need to provide authentic service that will help us grow. May this beautiful month bring meaningful moments to our maneuvers. May we make the most of opportunities present in the moments of this month. May God make MAY smile to us in different areas. Wishing you the best of a momentous month. Cheers. 🌹🌹. #KYB ✍🏿®#


Knowing what we know, and knowing what we perceive often, is good. Knowing what we like to know, and knowing what we ought to know, is better. But knowing the hidden truth about our life and knowing the TRUE reasons behind our being through all the changing seasons is best. Have a spirit filled evening.🌱🌿 #KYB ✍🏿®#


The humanness of humanity is best expressed in the true spirit of humility. In fact, humility is a fundamental quality we all must strive to posses in life, while keeping a sane disciplined deposition and a deep faith of Hope every hour. Be preserved and protected. Greetings Blessed one.💦 #KYB ✍🏿®#


Your story is a unique narrative. Your pilgrimage is a wondrous account. Your encounter with God is a favourable witness of His glory. Your energy at any given moment is an active miracle. So plunge yourself into the pool of favourable blessings of this beautiful day, and yield quality fruits. Be good and be blessed abundantly. Greetings⚡ #KYB ✍🏿®


Arguably, we have many challenging quest and desires in life. We also have several interests and concerns still competing for our attention, which sometimes detract our focus. However, amidst all this complex trends, we are required to stay true to the course of life. Here are some 11 reminders that could guide us, even as we navigate through the complexities of life. 1⃣May we never forget the great and minor lessons of our common history, to avoid repeating old mistakes. 2⃣May we never forget the value of ancient wisdom and the exemplary deeds of our 'foremothers' and forefathers. 3⃣May we never forget our connections to life, people, God and the universe. 4⃣May we never forget to forgive each other, and ever live our mission to love and serve. 5⃣May we never forget the real massive power of our will and the intention to change our reality. 6⃣May we never forget to be free without fear or guilt and live life to its fullest. 7⃣May we ne...


Greetings Blessed one. I trust you are hale and sound? There are many places to be at every moment, but I still desire to know where you are? Where are you in your life? Where are you in your career? Where are you in your life resolutions? Where are you in your relationship with your God and others? Where are you in your quest to reach that goal? Where are you in living your numerous endeavours? Is it always comfortable to live in our comfort zones, when there is more we can achieve? Is it enough to be content with our output, when there is something more we can do? Is it convenient to ALWAYS follow the convention when we can challenge ourselves to do more? Have we pampered our fears too much? Have we developed these fears into a monster that frighten us? So why are we where we are when there is something greater in us? Today is the time to live that dream. Today is the hour to start believing in ourselves and our abilities again. Today is the opportune hour to do so...


In the frailties of man, In the falling and failures of man, A faithful Son with full armour of favour, A blessed Son with a redemptive duty, Came with an eternal living Hope. In commemoration of His deeds and sacrifice, We are all qualified beneficiary of the Redemptive Grace and Salvation. Let us go forth to bear worthy fruits. Let us go out with the blessings to live a practical faith. Let us manifest this mission beyond  rhetorics and creed. Be blessed beyond measure. With my prayerful wishes for you this week. Have a Blessed Easter to Blessed one 🌹 #KYB®✍🏿#