

We all have unique stories to tell; the same way we also have interesting secrets to shelve. History is replete with people with deeds that changed the status quo but in all, what I realised is that these people stood for something. Malcom X was right in saying that "A man who stand for nothing will fall for anything". From time-to-time we're required to stand up for something to enable us live. However, what's worrying is our susceptibility to lead double or multiple standards. It has to do with hypocrisy in our attitude or our society. Just imagine preaching virtue publicly and practicing vice secretly? Have we spared a thought on how God will feel or how our haters or admires will feel when they hear or discover our vice? Many people in responsible positions are alleged to be paying dearly for one of their vices, while others are sweating because of one vice. May God help us lead worthy lives this day. Be blessed. 🌷 #KYB Sign#™


Lest we forget our worth as a people in trying times; Lest we forget our manners as a people with good intent; Lest we forget our rich values and ethical standards; Lest we forget our duty to watch and pray constantly; Lest we forget our divine prudence of our merciful God; Lest we forget our hope to live and grow in better ways; Lest we forget our responsibility to lead worthy lives; Lest we forget our resolve to give off our best this day; Lest we forget our duty to respect and protect the sanctity of life; Lest we forget our onus to take care of ourselves and our environment; Lest we forget our commitment and obligation to be good people; Lest we forget our source of strength and courage daily; Lest we forget our sincere gratitude to God and Man; Lest we forget the dignity of life and treasures in each person; Lest we forget the deadly sting in our sins; Lest we forget the syndrome of over-imitating others; Lest we forget the human tendency to ...


Arise with the sun and walk. Arise with hope and live. Arise with courage to act out your dreams. It's possible our responsibilities might impose a huge challenge on our souls. It's possible our fears and doubts might be pushing us to either runaway or postpone what we ought to do. It's also possible the turbulent economic tides might just help us to ignore our true call or avoid taking up our mission, just like Jonah running away from Yahweh's call (Jon.1:1-3). Let's call upon our God daily for him to help us see our mission. Let's call upon our Maker to guide us through the turbulent tides to do what He expects of us. Let's call upon Him who designed our purpose and gave us a mission, to position us on the right path. Let's call on Yahweh to rescue us from perishing. May we find a worthy example in the deed of the Good Samaritan, to also be good to people, not just our neighbours or people we know. May God bless, keep us all...


The other day, I saw a truck pusher meandering through the dense traffic around Kaneshie with heaps of his harvest. I could see assorted metal scraps and some discarded electronic appliances. Then a question flashed through my mind: where does our old discarded phones go? Where do we keep our obsolete electrical appliances, including our old black & white TV sets, fridges, microwave, rice cookers, DVD plays, computers etcetera? We know that the remains of man is interred at cemeteries. Our waste products are taken to refuse dump sites or special landfill sites, with some finding their way on our streets. We know for certain that spoilt or mangled vehicles are either packed at special garages or at the mechanic shops and sometimes at our police stations. But where do we keep our electronic waste gadgets? Are they returned to the manufacturers? I am not sure. I saw a thick black choking smoke hovering on the noisy air of Agbogbloshie, around the Odaw river, ...


There are many faces behind different brands on the market today. In fact, these brands are unique packages that promises to deliver a certain quality to people or clients. Thus, every day is an opportunity to assess the strengths and performance of these brands and the impact they are making. Good brands certainly enjoy a good market share for a while but BEST brands don't only enjoy a fair share of the market but always improves its performance to keep larger share of the market. You and I likewise have similar brands we put out there every day. Perhaps it's prudent to ask how our personal brands performed this week? Is our performance okay? Could we have performed better? Can we sustain it or do better? To build ourselves into BEST brands, sustain our market value and excel, we've certainly have know ourselves better, understand when we need to rest, reflect, and refine our thoughts as we resolve to build our Unique and BEST brands. May God bless y...


O-pen wide the gates of opportunities and blessings on your people Yahweh! C-reate a creative certitude in us that will challenge us to care more for ourselves and others, Lord. T-ransmit your abundant grace to sustain a willing drive in us. O-ccupy our thoughts with new possibilities Lord. B-righten, Yahweh the smiles of your people with blissful moments of blessings. E-levate our hopes to make new gains in this new month. And R-emember O! good Lord to renew, and rekindle our resolve to live in the warmth of October. Remain blessed. Greetings ☀ ‪#‎ KYB‬ Sign#™


For all His blessings and kindness to us; For all His Love and care for us; For all His merciful grace for us; For all the gifts and opportunities He gives us to live through these days; For all the friends and family He surrounds us with; What can we say to this wondrous Giver of Life? What can we say to this awesome God, ever rich in mercies? What can we say in our Praises and Thanksgiving to the Holy One? All too soon, we are at the end of September, and gradually inching to a new month. Let's join the Psalmist (Ps.137) to recount the deeds of the Lord in our lives. Let's remember Yahweh's goodness to us and duly Thank Him. Even as we desire to know Him through our reflections on the Words of Sacred Scriptures, may we also be enlightened like St. Jerome to be nourished and filled by the fount of Life oozing from its rich reserve. As King Artaxerxes granted what Prophet Nehemiah asked (Neh.2:1-8), may God also grant in abundance all you asked and those ...